Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Gemini (May 22 - June 21)

Gemini good side:Adaptable and versatile
Communicative and witty
Intellectual and eloquent
Youthful and lively

Gemini bad side:
Nervous and tense
Superficial and inconsistent
Cunning and inquisitive

Following are the likes of Gemini people:
Novelty and the unusual
Variety in life
Multiple projects all going at once

Following are the dislikes of Gemini people:
Feeling tied down
Learning, such as school
Being in a rut
Mental inaction
Being alone

Gemini Greatest Strength: Your curiosity about a variety of interests
Gemini Possible Weakness: Distracting you from what is most important

If you’re Gemini your ruling planet is MERCURY, and your planet information is the following:

Mean distance from the Sun (AU) 0.387
Sidereal period of orbit (years) 0.24
Equatorial radius (km) 2,439
Polar radius (km) 2,439
Body rotation period (hours) 1,408
Tilt of equator to orbit (degrees) 0
Number of observed satellites 0

Some more interesting facts about your sign are:
While no animal looks to be associated with this sign other than the wolf in which is observed to be the development force for another set of 'twins', romulas and remus. The twins themselves are their own symbolic representatives. The color of choice for Mercury in Gemini is GREEN

Gemini go all over the place together, hand-in-hand, representing your dual nature. Our world appears in pairs: good and bad, in and out, male and female, yin and yang -- and you people are living proof. A number of people might say Gemini are a mess of paradoxes, but the fact is that Gemini have a simple approval of opposites. Gemini planet is one of duality. Gemini can like this and that, one thing and its conflicting forces. It's like you observe your world from side to side by a radio and Gemini can adjust experiences and opinions in and out as your interests change.

You Geminis are inquisitive, chatty, flexible and mentally active. Your mind can bounce around from one subject to another with great relieve making Gemini the winner of cocktail party gossip and cheerful social meetings. Others will believe that Gemini are fun to be with, but your aptitude to change with the varying winds can also make others to see Gemini as small-minded people.

Gemini maxim might be "A rolling stone gathers no moss." You are the perpetually young child, regardless of your chronological age. A sharp drollness can have you orally dueling with the greatest of opponents, who moments later are your best of buddies. As you go through life, don't overlook taking time to smell the flowers.

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