Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Modality: Fixed, Element: Water, Ruler: Pluto, Mars
Season: Fall, 8th Sign of Zodiac , Metal: Steel, Iron , Stone: Topaz, Opal
Color: Gold, Purple, Anatomy: Genital organs, bladder, bowels,
Keywords: passionate, perceptive, resourceful, possessive, psychological, prowling, determined, probing, fixed, focused.

Scorpio good side
Determined and forceful
Emotional and intuitive
Powerful and passionate
Exciting and magnetic

Scorpio bad side
Jealous and resentful
Compulsive and obsessive
Secretive and obstinate

Scorpio LIKES

Hidden Causes
Being involved
Work That is Meaningful
Being Persuasive


Being Given Only Surface data
Taken Advantage of
Demeaning Jobs
Shallow Relationships
Flattery and Flattering

If you’re Scorpio your ruling planet is PLUTO

Mean Distance from the Sun (AU) 39.4

Sidereal period of orbit (years) 247.68

Equatorial Radius(km) 1,140

Body rotation period (days) 6.4

Tilt of equator to orbit (degrees) 96

Number of observed satellites 1

Mean Radius Distance from Planet

(km) (km)


Charon 600 20,000

Some more interesting facts about your sign Scorpio are:

"Bark Scorpion" - Centruroides Sculptaurus [Straw- pale yellow in color]is very poisonous it is of the night and will be found in places around humidity or outside lights where food supplies are known to meet such as crickets, moths, beetles, cockroaches, or other insects.

The color of choice for Scorpio is DARK RED TO MAROON

The Scorpion is one strong little creature, with sufficient poison in its own tail to immobilize or kill a much larger enemy. But the trouble with this kind of integral biological weaponry is that it must be learned in order to be used most efficiently. You Scorpios can use your "stinger" for self-protection, using your potent emotional consciousness to render your enemy harmless. But there is a sexual part of toxic tail also, and until Scorpio learns to manage those strong urges, Scorpio may find yourself in painful situations.

Scorpio is the only symbol that has three animal totems. First, there is the renowned Scorpion with its active end. Second, as the Scorpio gets trained in its obsession and hold its instincts at bay, it turns into the Eagle. The Eagle has more perception, for it flies high above the face of circumstances, jumping down with its authority only to kill victim for food. In its third form, the Scorpion turn into the always-peaceful dove. The genuine meaning of Scorpio is thus demonstrated. Scorpio is about metamorphosis. Scorpios changes the aching poisons of possessive obsession into a higher consciousness based on universal love.

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